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Total votes : 6
Author Message
 Post subject: (3.50) FINAL SCORE: [2.954]
PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 9:43 pm 

Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 9:21 pm
Posts: 4
website owner: x-rays
website address:
website title: pink floyd the final cut
short description: site dedicated to rock band Pink Floyd's last album with Roger Waters entitled The Final Cut and issued in 1983
design by: x-rays
scripting by: x-rays (all done on a simple notepad, strict XHTML and css compliant)
content updated/provided by: x-rays
released (date): july 2005
last major design/functionality update (date): when was the last major update (not the content, but the design/functionality)? july 2005
intended audience: Pink Floyd fans
site goal: Provide an exhaustive information about this underrated album and gather documents related to it.
The main challenge was to make a design as close as possible to the original artwork of the album (that's why it is best viewed when you have the font 'American Type Writter' installed on your system, since it's the original font used in the artwork) and organize the information in the spirit of how it is written on the LP cover.
Please note that all the music you can download on the site is UNAVAILABLE COMMERCIALLY, so there is no copyright infringement here.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 7:48 am 
Site Admin
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:43 am
Posts: 1818
Location: 100WebSpace's Headquarters
1) Content: 5
comment: well structured
2) Design: 4
comment: pink floyd style, what more could you want? :) the banner however makes it look somehow unprofessional
3) Navigation: 4
comment: very good navigation
4) Name/Domain/Subdomain: 3
5) Clean code: 2
comment: under Opera the site looks "broken" - especially the right navigation menu
6) Popularity/success: 1
comment: barely known

TOTAL: 3.17

Read the F.A.Q. before asking a question!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:12 pm 
1) Content: 4
comment: Well organized, gets the point accross clearly.
2) Design: 4
comment: Interesting design, uses neat javascript (menu)
3) Navigation: 5
comment: Navigation is clear and easy to understand where you are going.
4) Name/Domain/Subdomain: 3
comment: Subdomain on free server, not much you can do.
5) Clean code: 3
comment: Not XHTML strict, although DocType states so.
6) Popularity/success: 3
comment: Doesnt have any sites linking to it. (Searched "" on google.)

TOTAL: 3.5

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:33 pm 
I have no life!
I have no life!

Joined: Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:12 pm
Posts: 1504
Location: My Office
1) Content: 2
comment: It is not the worst, but not the greatest.
2) Design: 1
comment: Ugly, non-attractive, does not look good at all. Looks like you do not know how to code and you slapped the code for the pictures and stuff anywhere. Very bad if you ask me.
3) Navigation: 2
comment: Horriblly coded! And what is with the mouse over. Thats somewhat ugly. Then when you put your mouse over a new link, that red text that shows up is not attractive.
4) Name/Domain/Subdomain: 3
comment: Subdomain on free server, not much you can do.
5) Clean code: 1
comment: Not XHTML strict, although DocType states so. This is not good, I recommend fixing it!
6) Popularity/success: 1
comment: Doesnt have any sites linking to it. (Searched "" on google.)

TOTAL: 1.6

Best Regards:
Aaron McGowan (aka: CyberGeek, =cipher=)

CyberGeek's Software Solutions
-- WWW:
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 3:18 am 

Joined: Sat Feb 12, 2005 4:48 pm
Posts: 575
Location: Largo, Florida USA
Content 4
Comment Although limited, some good information
Design 3
Comment To basic and dark, odd graphics and seem out of place
Navigation 3
Comment Pertty simple and easy to figure out
Name/Domain/Subdomain 4
Comment To the point
Clean Code 2
Comment 1 CSS Error, 19 HTML Errors
Popularity/Success 2
Comment 1 Broken Link, Popularity may be a bit limited

Average Score 3

Bob G.

Grout Recoloring Systems:

Save Your Data - Do Backups ... highlight=

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 10:37 am 
Site Admin
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:43 am
Posts: 1818
Location: 100WebSpace's Headquarters

Read the F.A.Q. before asking a question!

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