website owner: John P. Roddy a.k.a. Scorpian
website address:
website title: Roddy Innovations
short description: A coding and design website that I use to provide everybody with codes, graphics, images, and templates that they can use on their website or forum. Currently in Version 2.
design by: me

- Made with PhotoShop CS2 and DreamWeaver 8
scripting by: me again
content updated/provided by: CuteNews
released (date): Around February 15, 2006.
last major design/functionality update (date): 4/24/06
update: A new banner
intended audience: People who aren't skilled enough to make their own graphics or codes.
site goal: To give everybody who wants one the chance to get a website. We will work to get his/her website made and on the web as fast as we can. That is the goal at Roddy Innovations