website owner: reelshow
website address:
website title: reelshow
short description: 3D Animation, Photography and arts.
design by: Marcos Durán
scripting by: Marcos Durán, mainly everything + some guide from a free script wich was only used for the gallery section.
content updated/provided by: Marcos Durán, Alexandra Mena (Photography Section)
released (date): It's birth date is still to come but it will be very soon
last major design/functionality update (date): It is updating continuisly
intended audience: Everyone interested in the subjects mentioned above.
site goal: It is a very dynamic page for users to upload tutorials, photos, comments, books, etc. With a forum for discussion on each of the sections.
Reelshow is officialy loaded at (and will soon be in English as well) where you can see it without any publicity which makes it much more viewable, I have entered this contest because of my needs on DataBases, webstorage.. etc. If I win a price I will make 100WebSpace my official server!.
Check out the 'urbano' link in the gallery section:
It is the onlyone working at the moment in the gallery section because I am sorting out programming issues.
Thanks a lot for your attention!