hello, i'm a newby and probably my question will appear very stupid; i tried to find the solution using the search key, but useless.
the only thing i found is that maybe i registered in 100webspace yesterday so i have to wait one or two days but i'm not sure.
my problem, awa, is that i uploaded all wordpress files on my space, using for wp-config.php:
DB_NAME: the name of the mysql database i created
DB_USER: the same of db_name
DB_PASSWORD: a password of 9 letters
DB_HOST: http://mysql0.100ws.com/
nothing about db_port cause wordpress doesn't ask for it.
also, a letter fro 100webspace said: "
Please change the DNSes of your domain to the following and allow 24-48 hours for the DNS update:
1) dns1.100ws.com
2) dns2.100ws.com"
i tried to change from "custom dns records" instead of "mbox.100ws.com" and "" but i cannot.
please help!