Hi all.
I just created a free web space account and wanted to test one of my scripts, when i encountered an error.
Problem is as follows:
I need to call an extern script and at first i did so by using fopen(). It then resulted in an error, so I tried fsockopen, changed the whole code but still there is an error that says "Permission denied". I don't get why I don't have permission to access a freely available resource (->web page).. Any ideas?
//using fopen
$res = fopen( "https://xx.yyy.ch/desiredpage", "r" );
//using fsockopen
$res = fsockopen( "ssl://xx.yyy.ch/desiredpage", 443, $errno, $errstr, $timeout = 30);
The errors look like this:
Warning: fopen(https://xx.yyy.ch/desiredpage) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/www/ethsms.cogia.net/food.php on line 65
Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to ssl://xx.yyy.ch:443 (Permission denied) in /home/www/ethsms.cogia.net/food.php on line 90
Permission denied (13)
When I run it on my own test environment it works perfectly. Could it be because I use https?
Thanks in advance.