As this forum grows, more and more members post. Without rules, it can lead to a complete disarray. These rules are to be abided by all members, no acceptions. Please read the rules, but do bear in mind, many of you post within these rules and are absolutely fine anyway. It might seem long and tiresome, but its worth it. Administrators and Moderators do not want this forum to become perfect, we just want a pleasant and enjoyable forum, as I am sure you do. Please become familiar with the rules and stick by them to the best of your ability.
Thank you
Staff at 100webspace
1) Posting rules
a) Flaming is not allowed. Members caught posting messages which are considered as flaming may have their message(s) edited or deleted.
Please do not use abusive or rude language. Members caught posting messages which are considered as violating this rule may have their message(s) deleted or edited.
c) Posts containing sexual, hateful or other such unwelcome overtones are not allowed. Members caught posting messages which are considered as violating this rule may have their message deleted. Members may receive a warning.
d) All forums are strictly for sensibly discussing topics.
e) Discussing 'warez', posting serial numbers or links to 'warez' and/or copyrighted material will not be tolerated in any way, shape or form. Members caught posting messages which are considered as violating this rule will have their message(s) deleted. Members will receive a warning.
f) Spamming is not allowed. All posts considered to be pointless, meaningless or an obvious attempt to increase post count may be deleted without warning.
g) Advertising by means of a new thread, or posts that are deemed too aggressive will be deleted, and author of thread or post will be warned.
2) Signatures and Avatars
a)Both Signatures and Avatars must kept clean and tasteful. Any signatures that are believed to violate this rule will be deleted immediately and the member will be contacted. Persistant breaking of this rule will lead to warning or ban.
b)Advertising of a product, site or other, as long as it meets rules above, are allowed. Any signatures or avatars believed to be too agressive in advertising maybe edited. Owners will be contacted and maybe warned.
3) Administrators and Moderators
a)Administrators and Moderators are on the forum to see that the above rules are upheld by all members. Please respect them.
Administrators and Moderators reserve the right to apply the warning system on a case by case basis. There may be cases when a ban is immediate. They reserve the right to ban or warn at any time. Unjustified bans or warning can be discussed with an administrator via the PM service.
c)Administrators and Moderators reserve the right to edit, move, lock or delete posts or threads that break the above rules or if it is good for the visitors or members of the forum.
d)Administrators and Moderators decisions are final.
e) If a members post or thread has been modified or edited by an Administrator or Moderator, it is strictly forbidden for that member to re-edit it in any way that defeats the modifications made by the Administrators or Moderators. Failure to comply could result in an immediate ban.
f)If circumstances arrive, in the rare occasion, administrators over rule moderators.
g)Moderator positions are decided between Administrators and Moderators only. Please do not ask for a moderator position.
Thank you very much for following the rules